Food Processing and Value addition
Food Processing and Value addition
Precooked bean is a transformed dry bean product produced from processing of dry bean grain under high temperature. pressure and steam. It’s then packed in air tight and weather proof sachets that preserve for up to six months
- Once precooked, one only needs to spice, add water and cook for 30 – 40 minutes
- This comes with convenience, time saving (up to 90%), reduced energy, and water use and a nutritious product
Why Precooked bean Product
- High bean consumption (18 – 23Kg/person/year)
- Rapidly expanding urban population (The future of Africa is Urban)
- Increasing demand for easy to prepare foods
- Scarcity and/or high cost of energy
Reach Us
Mpambile, Konkoma, Mpigi P.O BOX 36 Mpigi
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+256 772 590542
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